Happy New Year Everyone!
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To give all in the Dedoose user community a kick-start to 2019, we wanted to take a moment to respond to those ‘silly questions’ that might pop into your head from time to time. First, yes, the old cliché, there are no such things as silly questions. If you’ve found yourself wondering about something, you can be pretty certain there are many others who are doing the same (or should be).
So, as with the users of any tool, have you ever caught yourself wondering if when using Dedoose you might not be getting out of it all that you could? Or, are you just curious if there are new features that you just don’t yet know about? If you answered ‘Yes’ to either of those questions or just want a little reminder…here is our ‘Top 3’ list of items we’d share upon any such inquiry.
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Hope this is all helpful and keep all your feedback coming. We think all of the above represent our efforts to evolve Dedoose in as flexible a way as possible to accommodate the wide variety of ways researchers in our community work and wish to work.