Dedoose Blog


Code Systems are Serious Business


Sweeping Generalities Clipart


At Dedoose, we take the business of developing code systems very seriously, and we aren’t the only ones.  A quick Google search for ‘coding qualitative data’ yielded about 1.1M hits and ‘qualitative code system development’ landed me about 12M hits.  Clearly people are thinking and communicating a great deal on this most central aspect of sound qualitative and mixed method data analysis.

So, in short, You and Your Team are the Method:

      1. Identify the concepts you need that can really be found in the data
      2. Build out contextualized code application rules
      3. Practice, practice, practice
      4. Document, document, document
      5. Establish strong inter-rater reliability

For more detail, please check out our respective article here.

Nail all that down and Go TEAM GO!  Divide and Conquer!
