By Kris Castner, M.A., M.A., A.B.D.
Ahh, the year that was, Dedoosers!
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We’d like to celebrate the beginning of 2023 by taking a step back to review highlights from last year’s research and by featuring work from our Dedooser community.
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We were pleased to see projects represented from undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty, data professionals, and institutes alike.
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Enjoy summaries of a handful of Dedoose projects that caught our eye during 2022! Don’t forget to keep us updated about your research adventures in 2023 by tagging us on social. And don’t forget to check out our Visual Learning Series to help enhance your research going into the new year!
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The Year That Was: Dedoose Research in 2022
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Summaries of Dedoose in Qualitative and Mixed Methods Publications in 2022
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The number of researchers using Dedoose has been growing steadily over the past few years.
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We are also aware that we largely have our users to thank for spreading the word about our tool, its affordability, features, and benefits.
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Perhaps like you, we noticed a substantial increase in user community publications during the rise of COVID-19.
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Since its inception, Dedoose has tried to make it easy for researchers and teams to instantaneously connect and work together. The past two years have driven home the critical importance of this reality even more.
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In 2022, Dedoose was represented among publications from the following disciplines:
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- Ergonomics
- Human Factors
- Behavioral Medicine
- Linguistics
- Philosophy
- Human Resource Management
- Psychology
- Neurology
- Psychosociology
- Public Health
- Bio-Medicine
- …and many more
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We are especially proud of contributions from our student scholars, who continue to find innovative ways to incorporate Dedoose into undergraduate and graduate projects, poster presentations, conferences, theses, and dissertations.
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Whatever your area of expertise, we sincerely hope you’ll consider comparing Dedoose for qual and mixed methods analysis to the system(s) you are using now.
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Journal Publication Highlights from 2022
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Perceived Impact of Ashwagandha on Stress, Sleep Quality, Energy, and Mental Clarity for College Students: Qualitative Analysis of a Double-Blind Randomized Control Trial
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Journal of Medicinal Food, Vol. 25, No. 12
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Baker et al explore the impact of ashwagandha, an ayurvedic herb, on stress among college students in this analysis of 60 participants aged 18-50 years. Their double-blind randomized control trial administered 700mg of full extract ashwagandha root per day for 30 days among those who took part.
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College students receiving the intervention reported increased well-being in the form of more energy, mental clarity, and better sleep quality.
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Refugee Women’s Receptiveness for Virtual Engagement on Reproductive Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic
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International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, May 2022
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Dedoose was used to analyze semi-structured interviews conducted with women aged 20 to 50 years who derived from different countries of origin. The goal was to understand how virtual group meetings eased their abilities to learn about and discuss reproductive health concerns.
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In all, thirty-six women were asked to assess factors that limited virtual platforms abilities to successfully circulate information or engage attendees. Thematic analysis revealed family structure, marital relationships, literacy, and English proficiency impeded virtual group engagement among participants.
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It’s a Cool Little Tool: Provider Perceptions on implementing Pal Cards During COVID-19
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Innovation in Aging, December 2022
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Abbott and Douglas published a study examining 27 nursing home communities, 16 of which had already implemented a person-centered care (PCC) communication tool. Eleven additional communities that had also completed similar projects during COVID-19 were also examined.
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All interviews with 68 direct care staff members were coded in Dedoose using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research as a coding scheme. Results include implications for addressing and improving the quality of resident care based on thematic analysis.
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Exploring pharmacist comfort and readiness to dispense mifepristone
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Contraception, December 2022
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Twenty-one pharmacists across nine states were asked about their knowledge and comfort with prescribing misoprostol and mifepristone medicines.
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Researchers used Dedoose to reveal key themes, which included peer and employer centric barriers to dispensing, comfort with certification, and positive attitudes around training.
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Risk Perception, Adaptation, and Resilience During the COVID-19 Pandemik in Southeast Alaska Natives
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Social Science & Medicine, January 2023
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To be certain, analyzing the lived experiences of groups during the COVID-19 pandemic was a popular practice among Dedoose researchers beginning in 2020. In this example of such a study, van Doren et al identify four categories of risk and resilience in structured interviews of natives from three Southeast Alaska island communities.
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Among key themes were risk perception, socioeconomic impacts, and reactions to public health guidelines, and coping. Historical and traditional knowledge were found to serve as adaptive behaviors to cope with the COVID-19 crisis.
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Specialty pharmacy turnaround time impediments, facilitators, and good practices
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Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy, November 2022
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Four focus groups were conducted with specialty pharmacy subject matter experts to understand attitudes, beliefs, and experiences with turnaround time for these prescriptions. Dedoose was used to analyze interviews which revealed five subthemes: patient characteristics, pharmacy characteristics, provider characteristics, clinical situations, and health benefit design.
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Conducted with support from Pfizer, the researchers conclude multidisciplinary coordination among pharmacies, physicians, and care organizations is essential to improve turnaround time outcomes.
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A Review of Practices Around Determination of Death by Neurologic Criteria by an Organ Procurement Organization in the WAMI Region
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Neurology Clinical Practice, October 2022
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This retrospective cohort study analyzed death by neurologic criteria for 645 adult potential organ donors from 64 referral hospitals. Factors associated with deviations from acceptable standards were examined alongside interactions and concerns between referring hospitals and an organ procurement organization (OPO).
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Blockchain Technology and Smart Contracts in Decentralized Governance Systems
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Administrative Sciences, August 2022
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In their systematic review of decentralized governance systems literature, Balcerzak et al analyzed research conducted between 2016 and 2022. Terms including “city”, “blockchain technology”, “smart contracts”, and “decentralized governance systems” were carried out in ProQuest, Scopus, and the Web of Science.
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The core outcomes and correlations related to smart urban governance were integrated with these studies, then displayed with data visualization tools including Dedoose.
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Dedoose Student Researcher Highlights from 2022
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Understanding the Preferences for Lower-Limb Prosthesis: A Think-Aloud Study during User-Guided Auto-Tuning
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Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, Volume 66, Issue 1, October 2022
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Yuan et al investigated how two able-bodied participants chose to customize robotic prostheses’ settings. Using Dedoose, the research team showed two types of factors that show where individual preferences stemmed from.
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Physical feelings about positioning and stability, along with subjective feelings about confidence and satisfaction, were found to be key determining features. Situational contexts such as speed of movement also contributed to setting preferences.
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Patient and Health Worker Perspectives on Quality of HIV Care and Treatment Services in Haiti
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Research Square, September 2022
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Patients and healthcare workers at two urban hospitals were interviewed to understand barriers to improving support services within Haiti’s national antiretroviral therapy (ART) program. Using Dedoose, researchers revealed that themes of safety, patient centeredness, accessibility and equity were the most prominent.
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The team suggests reinforcing a respectful, welcoming environment while forging better access to support services can begin to shift progress in the right direction at the program.
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Building a Qualitative Framework for an Analysis of High Dosage Tutoring
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The Young Researchers’ Club at Winston Churchill High School – Maryland, Spring 2022
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We are proud to share research performed last year by the budding social scientists at Winston Churchill High School in Potomac, Maryland. Under the direction of primary investigators at their school, young students investigated the impacts of high dosage tutoring from educators’ perspectives.
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Using Dedoose, the team built a qualitative framework to analyze high dosage tutoring and how different practices affected the perceived success of the tutoring intervention.
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Healthy Food, As Told by TikTok: A Thematic Analysis of the Most Liked #healthyrecipes on TikTok
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Journal of Nutrition, Education, and Behavior, Volume 54, Issue 7, July 2022
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Dedoose was used to analyze TikTok posts about healthy recipes to generate a thematic analysis of the most liked meals on the social platform. In her thesis publication last year, Kaitlin Sandberg shows how our app can be used to categorize video and audio in addition to regular text and survey data.
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A multi-phase thematic analysis was conducted among the top 110 videos that were downloaded over a three-day period in November 2021. Posts were analyzed and coded in Dedoose, which revealed three prevalent themes: 1) practical skills, 2) performative wellness and 3) weight normative.
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This thesis-turned-publication highlights how social media is increasingly represented within qualitative and mixed methods research, and how Dedoose can be used to make several publications from a single thesis, dissertation, or case study project.
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Impact of COVID-19 on Birth Experiences
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Undergraduate Presentation, College of Science, Tech, and Health, Lindenwood University, April 2022
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The biosocial effects of COVID-19 upon women’s pregnancies, deliveries, and post-partum experiences were explored by Carmen Vardeman in her undergraduate presentation at the College of Science, Tech, and Health at Lindenwood University.
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Sixteen women participated in the study, and supplied interviews ranging from 30-90 minutes in duration. Dedoose was used to analyze the information, revealing themes gathered from midwives and OBGYN patients. Vardeman concludes with policy recommendations for hospitals to improve birthing outcomes and postpartum experiences.
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Honorable Mentions: More Dedoose Resources!
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“A Step-by-Step Guide to Qualitative Coding” by Dr. Philip Adu (2019)
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We encourage users to compare Dedoose to whatever “same space” tools you might already be familiar with, such as NVivo, Atlas.ti, MaxQDA, or QDA Miner Lite.
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Is there a better way to do precisely this, than by checking out the qualitative coding guide from Dr. Philip Adu? We recently connected with Dr. Adu on social media, where you can also find and use his breadth of overview videos on QDA Software!
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Upon completing Dr. Adu’s 2019 publication, you can expect to analyze and present qualitative findings using our app, know how our tool compares against other tools available to you, and develop the research framework that will support your project’s aims.
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To view the Table of Contents, author biography, and book description, visit here!
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“Qualitative and Mixed Methods Analysis Using Dedoose” by Dr. Michelle Salmona, Dr. Eli Lieber, Dr. Dan Kaczynski (2019)
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If you are planning a qualitative or mixed methods research course, writing a dissertation, thesis, or research publication, consider investing in our full-length book from SAGE!
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For starters, the publication is co-authored by Dr. Eli Lieber who is one of the three original co-founders of Dedoose. Dr. Michelle Salmona is the President of the Institute for Mixed Methods Research (IMMR), which is a preferred partner of Dedoose offering academic support for faculty and advanced research professionals (more details about that can be found here).
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Users of any background can benefit from the interdisciplinary case studies that are included to help users learn how to get the most of Dedoose.
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Regardless of your research questions, you will be able to develop the knowledge to complete advanced analyses, including statistical associations and expert-level techniques with our book.
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Bonus: our Support Team is always standing by to provide technical and academic help whenever you need it. We’re also proud to partner with our friends at the Institute for Mixed Methods Research (IMMR) to work with faculty, graduate students, and research professionals in aligning their technical structures according to project goals.
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Join us weekly for free, live webinars this semester to learn the basics of Dedoose for your class, project, or presentation. Check our EVENTS page often for our most up-to-date listings!
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Tag Us on Social and We’ll Feature Your Dedoose Research
The best way to celebrate our incredible community of users? Re-sharing what you share with us.
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You’re cordially invited: try our app for 30-days free, minus a credit card, and with the ability to import and analyze your own data. Anytime.
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If you’re looking to get the word out about your Dedoose based research projects, you can always tag us on social media. We’re happy to share any links, information, or details about your work and your team.
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Simply tag, hashtag, or “at” us in your posts about publications, research, posters, conferences, or any other item that incorporates Dedoose, and we’ll help to spread the word.
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We can’t wait to see what you produce in 2023! Happy data wrangling, Dedoosers.
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