Dedoose Blog


Making the Most Out of Memos in Your Research


As the “core stage of grounded theory methodology” (Glaser 1998), memoing is instrumental in
developing codes systems directly from your data. In this line of inquiry, memos usually include commentary or insight related to codes, ideas concerning possible relationships between codes, or descriptions of particular events or settings. However, memoing is not limited to grounded theory and can be useful in all types of qualitative research inquiries.


Sticky Note Clipart


Given its free-flowing nature, memo’ing allows the researcher to log his or her thoughts in relation to the project during research and reflection thereafter. Through this process, memos provide insight into not only the research in question, but also into the researcher’s research methods.


How does Dedoose fit into all of this? Dedoose supports the memo tradition by including a modernized memo system accessible anywhere within Dedoose at anytime. Find out more in our article here!!
